Frequently Asked Questions
- When is Town Hall open?
- How do I find my polling place?
- How do I request public records?
- What are the rules for making public comments during a Council meeting?
- What is the Town Budget?
- Where are Town meetings held?
- Where is Town Hall?
- Who handles road maintenance issues such as dead animals or fallen limbs?
- Who handles trash pickup in Oak Ridge?
How do I find my polling place?
How do I request public records?
Please make your request for copies of public records through the Public Information Request form linked here. Copies or information requiring research will be made available in a reasonable time. Fees for materials or reproduction of materials shall be at the cost of or the usual and customary fee for the service. Submit the completed form to
Requests to view public records in the Town Hall Offices can be made by appointment. Please call (336) 644-7009 to make this appointment.
What are the rules for making public comments during a Council meeting?
Public Comments
During every regular Town Council meeting, there are two periods for Public Comments during which the public may offer remarks. Individuals are recognized by the mayor and given up to 3 minutes to speak. Individuals are asked to approach the podium to state their name and address for record before speaking. Commentary is generally open and subject to proper decorum. This is a time period for the public to offer remarks or make statements to the Council. Council members do not engage in conversation or answer questions during this time.
Public Hearings
Public Hearings follow a different structure. Council sets a time period, generally 20 minutes, for those wishing to speak in support of the issue being heard, followed by a second time period of equal length for those wishing to speak in opposition. Individuals are asked to approach the podium to state their name and address for record before speaking. Following that, there will be a second time period set by Council, generally 5 minutes, for rebuttals in support of and another equal time period for rebuttals in opposition to the issue. A spokesperson may be appointed to speak for a group or delegation wishing to make comments. Standards for decorum apply during these sessions for comments.